Which is the Nearest Metro Station to Banjara Market of Gurugram?

Nearest metro station to Banjara Market of Gurugram is Huda City Centre, which is located on the Yellow Line of the Delhi Metro. It is about a 15-20 minute walk from the market.

To get to Banjara Market from Huda City Centre, you can exit the station and walk south on MG Road. After about 10-15 minutes, you will see the market on your left. There are also several auto rickshaws and taxis available at the metro station that can take you to the market.

We Suggest Huda City Centre as it is the Nearest Metro Station to Banjara Market of Gurugram


How to Reach Banjara Market Gurgaon?

The Banjara market in Gurgaon can be reached in a number of ways:

By Metro – If you are coming from outside of Gurugram than the most preffered way is by Metro and Banjara Market Nearest Metro Station is Huda City Centre

By car: To discover the most efficient path to the market, consult a map or GPS navigator.

Using public transportation: You can go to Gurgaon by bus or metro and then travel to the market in a taxi or auto-rickshaw.

By bike or scooter: In Gurgaon, you can rent a bike or a scooter and utilize it to travel to the market.

Top Places to Hang Around Banjara Market Gurgaon

Are you looking for places to hang out in Gurgaon that are both entertaining and interesting that are located close to Banjara Market? Check out our recommendations for the best hangouts in town, including places that are great for families, groups of friends, and even coworkers.

The city of Gurugram, also referred to as the Millennium City, is a thriving metropolis that never stops moving. It is home to a number of the nation’s most popular restaurants, cafes, bars, and other types of gathering places. You are at the right spot if you are looking for places to hang out with friends, family, or coworkers if you are in the Banjara Market Online, which is one of the most lively neighbourhoods in the city. In this piece, we will provide you with a list of the best locations to hang out in the vicinity of Banjara Market Gurugram, all of which are not to be missed.

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 The Most Popular Hangouts in and Around Banjara Market, Gurugram
Interesting and Engaging Things to Do in the Neighborhood of Banjara Market, Gurugram

Brew Friend Is the Perfect Place to Take It Easy and Unwind

In Gurugram, next to Banjara Market, you’ll find the renowned watering hole known as Brew Buddy. It is the ideal setting for relaxing with a group of friends over a few beers or other drinks. The venue has a superb atmosphere, with live music and a wonderful vibe throughout the venue. In addition to serving tasty beverages, Brew Buddy is famous for its mouthwatering cuisine, particularly its pizza and kebabs. Brew Buddy is an absolute must-see establishment if you and your pals are seeking for a place to hang out that is both entertaining and thrilling.

Discover the Exciting World of Virtual Reality at Smaaash

Smaaash is an entertainment and gaming centre that can be found within at the Cyber Hub of Gurugram. It is the ideal location for socialising with one’s loved ones and acquaintances while participating in exhilarating activities such as bowling, arcade games, bowling simulators, and virtual reality games. Smaaash also features a restaurant and a bar, both of which are excellent dining and drinking establishments. It is highly recommended that you pay Smaaash a visit if you are searching for a location to hang out that is both original and entertaining.

iSkate Will Have Your Adrenaline Pumping Like Never Before

The ice skating rink known as iSkate can be seen in the Ambience Mall in Gurugram. Skating is an exhilarating experience that can be shared with loved ones, making this the ideal location for a get-together of any kind. iSkate also features a restaurant and a bar, both of which allow guests to enjoy a variety of delicious food and drinks. The venue has a tremendous atmosphere, with a live DJ and a wonderful vibe across the entire room. iSkate is an absolute must-see if you are searching for a location to hang out that is both entertaining and interesting.

Treat Yourself with Some of the Tasty Meals at Indishh

Indishh is a well-known restaurant that can be found in Gurugram close to Banjara Market. It is the ideal location for socialising with one’s family and friends while indulging in some mouthwatering cuisine. The restaurant offers a delectable selection of dishes from both India and other parts of the world, and the atmosphere inside is really amazing. If you are a lover of good food and are seeking for a fun spot to hang out, you should put Indishh at the top of your list of potential destinations.


To summarise, Banjara Market in Gurugram is home to many of the most popular hangout locations in the entire city. There is something for everyone, ranging from pubs and restaurants to arcades and ice skating rinks, all of which are located indoors. So, whether you are searching for a night out with friends or an activity that is suitable for families, these locations are certain to give an experience that you will never forget. Have a wonderful time, and don’t forget to put these locations on your list of must-sees

Is there parking at Banjara Market Gurgaon?
It’s unclear whether there are parking spaces available at the Banjara market in Gurgaon. There may, however, be a limited amount of parking spaces available.

Access to public transportation through Banjara Market?

Gurgaon Banjara market is probably accessible through public transportation. You can go to Gurgaon via bus or metro and then travel to the market via taxi or auto-rickshaw.

Which travel option from Delhi to Banjara Market is the best?

Reach get the market via public transportation, take the metro from Delhi to Gurgaon as banjara market nearest metro station is Huda City Centre and then a taxi or auto-rickshaw.
If you decide to drive, you can use a GPS navigator or map to determine the most efficient path from Delhi to the market.

The HUDA City Centre metro station is the closest metro station if you want to go to the Banjara Market. To go to the market from there, you can either take a taxi or an auto-rickshaw. The market is visible because it is situated on the main road. The market is clearly indicated on Google Maps, so you may use it to get directions there as well, But do remember don’t get confused the market is shifted to a new place. So, search Banjara Market Gurgaon in Google Maps 

Issues that Visitors Face and How to Solve Them:

Finding the market is not difficult because it is on a major road and is visible by following the signs. Those who live nearby can provide directions if you’re still having problems finding it.

Crowded and disorderly: On weekends, the market can become very crowded. Consider going on a weekday.

Lack of parking: Because there is no allocated parking at the market, customers must leave their cars parked on the road. Take public transportation or consider carpooling to get around this issue.

Haggling: Visitors may find it challenging to negotiate the pricing because haggling is a widespread habit at the market. You may prevent this by doing some research on the costs of the goods you want to purchase so that you are aware of the going pricing.

Product quality: Some suppliers could offer dubious or subpar goods. You may prevent this by doing your research on the goods you want to purchase and only purchasing from reliable retailers.

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